
Monthly Recap: January 2013


It’s almost February. As in, there are only a few more hours left in January. As in, we’re already 1/12 of the way through 2013.

How did that happen?

While time was floating by quickly, I’ve been trying to get into the swing of 2013. Here’s the lowdown on the month before and the month ahead.

January Highlights

Life: It’s officially 2013 and that means I have an official set of goals for the year. I don’t plan to update you all on my progress monthly, but I do plan to do so quarterly. Check back at the end of March to see how I’m doing!

Career: Have you ever wanted to switch or shift careers? If so, check out my post about doing just that.

Money: With the new year, new taxes arrived. My paycheck was smaller, as I assume yours was as well. I wrote about several strategies for softening the blow.

Travel: I took a quick jaunt down to Charleston, SC at the end of December. Check out my review, which highlights some sweet food places and features pretty pictures.

The Month Ahead

Living in Flux Redesign – Yes, I haven’t been blogging that long. In fact, I’ve only been doing this for a few months. However, it’s already time for my site to have a refreshing facelift. I’ve been working diligently on a new design and hope to push it through to you all by the end of February. Let’s make that a goal of mine, so I’m actually accountable for it.

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