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Better Late That Never: My 2013 Goals Wrap Up


This is the fourth of four check-ins for the 10 goals that I made for 2013. Be sure to check out my original post for my 2013 goals and my first, second and third goal update posts for more context.

Howdy. It’s been a while. Well. The last time I posted, I did my third yearly goals update. Much time has passed since then, but honestly, not a lot of progress on my goals has been made. I’d hate to leave loose ends, so I’m going to put these goals to rest today!

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2013 Goals Update #3

2013 Goals Update #3: Almost to the Finish Line!

This is the third of four check-ins that I’ll have for the 10 goals that I made for 2013. Be sure to check out my original post for my 2013 goalsmy first 2013 goals update  and my second 2013 goals update for more context.

I say this all of the time, but time really does fly. This quarter’s goals update really snuck up on me. I had to take a moment to realize that it was indeed time for my last update before the end of the year.

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Monthly Review: July 2013 (And I’m Back!)

Phew! That was quite the few weeks. As I mentioned before I went off-air, I recently moved from Hoboken to Rochester. I didn’t quite realize how much of a task unpacking would be, but here I am two weeks later and there is still a TON to do. I guess it’s more work trying to integrate two households when unpacking than it is to just move and need to unpack your stuff into an empty place.

Regardless of the unpacking situation, I’m back! And it’s time to do a monthly review for July, even though we are over a quarter of the way through August.

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It's Okay to Fail to Achieve Goals

Why It’s Okay To Fail To Achieve Goals

If you’ve read this site for any period of time, you know that I like to set goals for myself, both for the year and each month. You’ll also know that I sometimes fail to achieve goals that I set for myself. The F word. Fail. A big no-no. Right?

Wrong. Failing to achieve one’s goals gets a really bad rap. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about achieving our goals: why we should, how we should do it, what it says about us as people. While I believe in the importance of setting and achieving realistic stretch goals, I do think it’s okay to fail to achieve goals that we set for ourselves.

Believing that we’re going to achieve every single goal we set for ourselves only sets us up for failure. Things happen. We can try our hardest and still fail to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. This is why I think it’s important to remember that, sometimes, it’s okay to fail.

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2013 Goals Update 2

2013 Goals Update #2: Halfway Through the Year!

This is the second of four check-ins that I’ll have for the 10 goals that I made for 2013. Be sure to check out my original post for my 2013 goals and check out my first 2013 goals update for more context.

Wow. It’s hard to believe, but we are officially halfway through 2013. The last three months have flown by, but they seem to have been oddly uneventful. However, as you may have gathered from my monthly review, things are going to be a bit more interesting in the next half of the year.

I have a lot of big changes coming up that I think will help move me forward in achieving my goals!

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June 2013 Monthly Review

Monthly Review: June 2013


Another one bites the dust! We’re officially halfway through the year and I’m feeling pretty good about it. The sun is (mostly) shining, a holiday weekend is coming up, and daylight is lasting well into the evening.

I love it! To say goodbye to June, I have some updates and recaps for my monthly review!

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Reasons to Start a Life List

5 Reasons You Should Have a Life List, Bucket List, or Flux List

Life lists are all the rage these days. Or so it seems. If you visit other lifestyle blogs, it’s likely that you have seen some life lists floating around.

Obviously, I’ve always known what a bucket list, or life list, is, but it wasn’t until I found them on Sean Ogle’s Bucket List, Joel Runyon’s Impossible List and Steve Lamb’s Epic Quest blogs that I started to think that I should come up with my own.

The result of that was the Flux List. As each of the above examples do, I have a unique bend to my flux list. It’s a changing list. I may want to include one thing on it now, but I may change my mind later. It’s flexible and I want it to reflect at any given time what my priorities are and what I want to do with my life. However, the most important part of my flux list is that it motivates me to continually strive towards the life that I want to live: one where I make purposeful decisions, work with the constraints that life gives me, and make things happen.

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May Monthly Review

Monthly Review: May 2013

Hey all! I’m a couple of days late with my monthly update, but we’re not too far into June, so let’s pretend it’s still the very end of May. Sneaky time, it’s going by far too quickly.

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26 New Things to Do While 26
Goals, Life

26 New Things to Do While I’m 26

You all know I love goals. I love planning them each month, I love analyzing how I did (even though I sometimes have a bad record at actually meeting them), and I like achieving them.

Today is my 26th birthday, so it only seems fitting that as a birthday present to myself, I set a goal for my 26th year. Well, I don’t want to set goals for my year, per se. I already set goals for myself in 2013. I want to enhance my life by doing 26 new things while I’m 26.

Sarah from Yes and Yes gave me the idea and I liked the idea so much, I’m doing it for myself. Some things are big things, some things are tiny things, but all are new things to do (at least for me).

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