Hello! Long time, no talk. Sorry I’ve been so MIA this week. I got home from my fabulous 4th of July away in PA and came down with something fierce. Between a busy work week and trying to get better, there wasn’t a lot of time to post. Oh yeah, plus I met up with some of my friends on Wednesday to celebrate a birthday and then traveled to Philadelphia this weekend to participate in The Color Run.
Now that I’m back in town, you’ll definitely be hearing more from me this week. Before that, to top of your Sunday night (or kick off your Monday morning), I have some links to share:
Remember how I’m moving at the end of the month? I’m excited for a lot of reasons, but I’m particularly excited at the fact that I’m going to be working from home. Not only will it save me tons of commute time, but it will be a lot less expensive. Mint.com wrote an article about all of the things you can save money on from working at home. I’m particularly excited about clothes, lunch and commuting costing less.
While I’m excited to save money by working at home, I am certainly going to miss being in the office with my coworkers. In particular, I’m going to miss how we accidentally wear the same thing sometimes. And, oh hey, to reminisce there’s a Tumblr dedicated to photos of coworkers who showed up at the office wearing similar outfits!
Another moving related article! (Can you tell what’s on my brain lately?) If you’re moving in with someone, WiseBread breaks down some of the things you should do before you move in with them.
Brazen Careerist has some tips for taking on more career responsibility: evaluate what you can do, figure out where what you can do in return, create a plan, approach your boss, and have a plan B!