
What To Expect From Living in Flux

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of life, career, money and travel, I want to make sure we’re all on the same page. Or, er, screen.


My posts will be about the following themes:

  • Life: What is a blog about living in flux if I don’t write about life? These posts will be general and include thoughts and ideas about lifestyle, finding what’s best for you, and other general things.
  • Career: I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do with my life. In that process, I’ve read a ton about careers, resume writing, office culture, and interviewing. I don’t plan to write specifically about what I do, but I do plan to talk about career in a more general sense.
  • Money: These posts will be about personal finance as they relate to the other categories. You’ll find posts about frugal living, budgeting, student loans, and setting and achieving financial goals. Be warned: I am NOT a financial professional nor will I be giving advice. I will be simply sharing my experience and knowledge.
  • Travel: I like to travel. One of my favorite sayings comes from Liz Lemon: “I want to go to there.” Name a place and I probably want to go there. I don’t travel a ton, but I do try to fit it in. These posts will cover my trips but will also cover more general travel-related topics.
  • Goals: Each month I will set goals and each month I will review my progress on those goals. I feel that is a good way for me to get organized and ensure that I keep moving forward. I encourage you to follow along!

Head over to the Start Here page for more details about the themes.

Publishing Schedule

Starting out, I’m going to post three times per week. You can expect to check back here (or better yet, subscribe) on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Of course, I’m already behind schedule for this week. Don’t worry, next week will feature three posts!

Types of Posts

Mondays and Wednesdays: The first two posts of the week will be dedicated to the main pillars of Living in Flux: life, career, money and travel.

Fridays: I will share interesting links that I found throughout the week. The articles I share will revolve around life, career, money, travel. One Friday per month, I will shake things up and write about goals.  I’m all about goals, so each month I will come up with a set of goals. Friday Goal Posts will review my progress for the previous month and set goals for the following month.

Policies (Yawn!)

I’ll keep it short and simple here. While reading and participating on Living In Flux, please keep the following in mind:

  • I won’t edit or censor your comments… but if a comment is offensive or out-of-line, I may remove the comment.
  • My opinions are my own. I speak the truth and my ideas do not reflect those of my employer or anybody else.
  • I may use affiliate links in my posts. If you click a link and subsequently purchase a product, I will get a percentage of the sale. This will be at no charge to you. If you don’t want to participate in this, don’t click on the link.
  • Unless specifically credited, all photos and content are protected. Please don’t steal my content and if you do use it, please make sure you link back to Living In Flux.
  • Finally… have freakin’ fun!

For more information and detail on my policies, check out the Policies page.

Happy Friday everyone! See you all on the flip side.


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