Hey all! I’m a couple of days late with my monthly update, but we’re not too far into June, so let’s pretend it’s still the very end of May. Sneaky time, it’s going by far too quickly.
May Highlights
May was an awesome month on the blogging front. Here are some of my favorites:
- I spent a lot of time gallivanting around New York for my Backyard Tourism series. In May, I covered a baseball game at Mets’ Citi Field and the Intrepid Museum.
- May marked an important milestone for me, I made it through a year being in a long distance relationship! To celebrate, I shared what I’ve learned about how to survive and thrive in an LDR.
- On the money front, I wrote about living frugally in an expensive city and I also talked about the cost of running, a hobby that people often assume is fairly cheap, when that can be very much not the case.
- I celebrated my birthday on the 22nd, so I came up with a list of 26 new things that I want to do while I’m 26. Plus, I’ve already crossed one item off the list by Netflix bingeing on Arrest Development season 4!
- If you’re in the New York area and have ever wondered how you should get to the various airports, I’ve broken down your options for getting to JFK, LGA, and EWR from the city.
Living in Flux News
Design Refresh is Here!
This feels like old news, since I finished this so early in May, but I’ve done another design refresh for Living in Flux. Now I have a more streamlined design, fun icons for my categories and an improved header area. This site is definitely a work in progress, so keep checking back for the constant stream of design updates that I seem to make.
May Goals Recap
1. Read 2 books.
I read three books:
- Somewhere Inside: One Sister’s Captivity in North Korea and the Other’s Fight to Bring Her Home
by Lisa & Laura Ling
- The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Responsive Web Design
by Ethan Marcotte
2. Run 35 miles.
Ta da! I logged an extra mile at 36 miles in May. Now to boost up the mileage for June.
3. Launch Living in Flux design refresh.
Boom. Roasted. Got it done at the beginning of the month. My next goal is to make my site responsive, but that won’t be an official goal this month or next.
4. Treat myself.
Semi-success. I treated myself to some new clothes on a whim a couple of weeks ago, prior to my mini-jaunt to Ocean City, NJ.
June Goals
- Sell 4 items from my closet on Tradesy.
- Sell 4 items on Etsy.
- Run 50 miles.
- Complete 4 things on my 26 New Things list.