From the Internets
From the Internets

From the Internets

Happy Monday, everyone! We are officially in June and I’m officially loving the long days. There’s nothing like daylight late into the evening.

Now, to kick of the week, here are some sweet links:

If you’re flying across time zones any time soon, you might find this battle plan for jet lag useful.

I don’t know much about Gwyneth Paltrow’s diet books, but this review of It’s All Good was fascinating AND funny.

Summer is just about here! Here are 25 things to do this summer from Yes and Yes. I know I’m looking forward to making popsicles!

Blogging can definitely carry a connotation of navel-gazing. And with a lot of crazy things going on in the world, Geraldine of The Everywhereist asks if it’s selfish to blog about travel when everything is not right in the world. I think the answer is no, but it’s an interesting topic to contemplate.

The rules in the workplace are definitely changing. But does that mean it’s okay to swear in the office?

If you’re a new grad, or even if you’re not, try to avoid these 10 money mistakes.

DIYing can be fun! But is it for you?

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to advocate for your own work-life balance.

I agree with Sarah. If you are in the St. Louis area, visit the City Museum immediately.

What did you do last week? Have any fun links to share?

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