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Money, Student Loans

My Student Loan Story: Follow me from $90K to $0 Before Age 30


If you’ve been hanging around Living in Flux for any period of time, you know that student loans are one of my topics of interest. I’ve talked about why I pay extra on my student loans each month. I’ve talked about what I think could help solve the student loan crisis in the United States. I even won the MyMoneyAppUp Challenge in 2012 for my app design concept to help student loan borrower more easily manage their student loan debt.

And while I’ve skirted around the topic on this site for over a year, I haven’t fully shared my student loan story.

That is, until now.

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New Year, New Directions: Goals for 2014


I’m squeaking in at the end of January with my goals for 2014. It counts as long as you set your goals before January is over, right?

I’m going to be honest: last year, my goals for 2013 were a mess. I didn’t even take my own advice of crafting S.M.A.R.T. goals when I came up with them. There were too many. Things came up that made some less of a priority (ahem, running in races). The path to achieving some of the goals was nebulous (“become a better writer”).

Well, I’ve learned my lesson for 2014. I will have fewer goals this year. I will also have more defined goals this year. Ultimately, I want to look at a goal and say, “Yeah, I met that goal, no doubt!” or “Wow, I didn’t meet that goal, but I know what I would have needed to specifically do to meet it.”

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2013 Yearly Review: What Did & Did Not Go Well


After my not-so-brief hiatus, I’m back in the game. Although I’m a few weeks late, I’m taking stock of last year and the upcoming year in my first couple of posts in this new era of Living in Flux. Last week, I went back to analyze my goals from 2013 and how I ended up doing. I came out of the year with a surprising 4 of 10 accomplished.

Today, I want to focus on my 2013 yearly review. If you’re interested in seeing last year’s review, I covered 2012 in the same what went well/what didn’t go well fashion.

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Better Late That Never: My 2013 Goals Wrap Up


This is the fourth of four check-ins for the 10 goals that I made for 2013. Be sure to check out my original post for my 2013 goals and my first, second and third goal update posts for more context.

Howdy. It’s been a while. Well. The last time I posted, I did my third yearly goals update. Much time has passed since then, but honestly, not a lot of progress on my goals has been made. I’d hate to leave loose ends, so I’m going to put these goals to rest today!

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10 Goals for 2013

Yesterday, I focused on what did and did not go well in 2012. Overall, I have to say that it was a good year. Now, it’s time to look forward to 2013, and specifically goals for 2013. There are only a few more hours to pull out my dancing shoes and hit up the dance floor with my smooth (or not so smooth moves). I plan to dance and drink and eat the night away with my friends to ring in the new year… before I go into full party mode, I want to focus on the year ahead.

Last year, I came up with 12 personal goals for 2012. This year, I was debating coming up with 13 goals, but finding myself stuck at 10, I decided to keep it a bit more concise. Here is what I have in store for 2013 … in no particular order.

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