Spring is the perfect time to clean. We all know that. As blossoms bloom and we come out of our winter shells, it can be refreshing to clean house. Out with the old! In with the new! While the act of cleaning can be refreshing in and of itself, it can also be refreshing make money online from spring cleaning.
Whether you are a mini-hoarder and a Hoarders marathon has frightened you into cleaning or you are just looking to make a few extra bucks, you will find the following sites useful.
Amazon needs no introduction. If you have books, electronics or other item that can be sold on Amazon, you can easily sell on their marketplace. Amazon makes it pretty easy to post an item. Generally, all of the item information is already in their system and you just need to answer a few questions about the item’s condition. If you don’t feel waiting for people to buy your item, Amazon let’s you sell items directly to them. You’ll likely make less money that way, but you won’t have to deal with selling to an individual buyer.
- No matter what, add a description of the item
- Be honest and open about the item’s condition
- Make sure you are posting under the correct listing for an item (e.g. beware of different editions, versions and formats)
Good for selling:
- Electronics
- Books
- DVDs
eBay, like Amazon, needs no introduction. It’s been a leader in online marketplaces for as long as I can remember (Hey, I’m not that old!). It’s good for collectibles, hard to find items, and designer or brand name items. With eBay, there is a bit of legwork needed to set up a product listing. You generally need to take the photos and add in all information yourself.
- Take good photographs
- Be descriptive in your product description
Good for:
- Collectibles
- Hard to Find Items
Craigslist is today’s version of the classified section in the newspaper. You can use it to sell just about anything under the sun. Craigslist ads are fairly easy to set up and the amount of information you provide is up to you. You can have buyers contact you directly via email or telephone. If you’re looking to see the power of Craigslist, check out the documentary Craigslist Joe (available on Netflix Instant).
- Be descriptive
- Take good photos
- Be quick to respond to emails and telephone calls
- Beware of scams
Good for:
- Furniture and other large items
- Anything you want to get rid of quickly
- Anything you want to sell locally
Tradesy is an online consignment shop where you can sell your used designer clothing, shoes and handbags. They make it pretty easy for you to enter information about your items, as they prompt you for the key things that people generally want to know when they are buying clothing, shoes, etc. They will send you the packaging, so they make it really easy for you to ship to your buyer.
- Take a good photo of your item that can be easily edited to remove the background
- Be as specific as you can when adding your product information
Good for:
- Clothing
- Shoes
- Handbags
Etsy is the home for all things handmade. You may have some crafts lying around or you may realize that your craft room overfloweth and you’ll never be able to use all of your supplies. Or maybe you have a cool vintage item hanging around that you like, but don’t want and don’t want to throw away. In any of these cases, Etsy is the way to go for selling your things.
- Make use of keywords to describe your items
- Photos are key!
Good for:
- Handmade items
- Vintage
- Craft supplies
Go forth and clean!
Now that you know where to sell your loot, go off and get cleaning and make some dough while you’re at it.