Cost Estimates & Breakdowns, Fitness, Life

Race & Budget Report: Tar Heel 10 Miler

I’ve talked about the Tar Heel 10 Miler a number of times around here. I was on the fence about going when I wrote up what I thought things would cost to participate. Then I committed! And I was able to actually train to the point where I felt like I was ready physically.

And then, of course, because this is how these types of things happen, I came down with a nasty case of food poisoning five days before the race! It was a dark couple of days and I wasn’t sure I was going to feel up to driving down to Chapel Hill, let alone running in a 10 mile race. Spoiler alert: I was able to fully rebound and I completed all 10 miles on race day!

So, I decided to write up a race report (kind of like how I did when I ran the Color Run in Philadelphia a couple of years ago). This time, the write up comes with a twist of budget breadown!

Race Report

Before I get to the budgeting details: race report! (Well, mostly I want to show off how beautiful Chapel Hill is.)

Louise Lab

Before the race, my graceful host and friend Louise decided she wanted to do experiments. I sat around while she did science-y stuff and tried to continue hydrating to make up for my very dehydrated week. The race started at 7:20am, so all of this science was going on at like 6:30am. Talk about dedication!

Walking to the start of the race

We were blessed with a drizzly and overcast morning. It was super humid as a result, but thankfully it wasn’t too hot.

Congested roads at Mile 1

Like every race, the roads were pretty congested for the first few miles. Once I made it to Mile 1, I knew I could make it the following 9.

Blue skies opening up!

Finally! The sky started to clear up! With the cleared up skies, the humidity dropped drastically. It was fantastic! At this point, I was feeling good, but started to feel some rubbing in my shoe. Thankfully, after I stopped to adjust it I had no issues for the rest of the run.

Old Well during Tar Heel 10 Miler

The Old Well! One of the landmarks on UNC’s campus. Thankfully the crowds had thinned enough for me to get a good picture here.

Chapel Hill Fire Truck

The fire department had a presence. Yes, fire trucks are Carolina blue in Chapel Hill.

Tar Heel 10 Miler - Nik Cheers

Louise’s boyfriend Nik came out to cheer us on!

Line after finishing the Tar Heel 10 Miler

Eventually, I finished. Of course, I was too burnt out by this time to take any pictures until I was in line for snacks and water after crossing the finish line.

Tar Heel 10 Miler Finishers!

We made it! Louise and one of her friends ran the race together. I (slowly) finished quite a bit behind them… BUT I FINISHED! Woooo!

Tar Heel 10 Miler Celebratory Drinks

To celebrate, we all went out for some drinks at Top of the Hill that afternoon. With our race bibs, we each got a free beer!

Budget Report

So, how did my spending compare to what I thought I would spend on this trip?

Race-related Costs

Race-related costs were things that I paid for as a result of being part of the race itself: training, gear, race entry, etc. I spent:

  • Energy Chews & Sports Drink: $16 (purchased 3 energy chews and 3 bottles of Gatorade)
  • Cross-training: $0
  • Gear: $0 (I didn’t end up buying new shoes ahead of race day)
  • Race fee: $35 (I paid $70, but received 50% back due to a health subsidy I have at work)

Total race-related costs were $44. I estimated that the race-related costs would be anywhere between $100 and $230. I ended up spending much less because I didn’t spring for new shoes and I didn’t take my 50% subsidy into account when I estimated the cost.

Travel-related costs

Travel-related costs were the ones that I incurred because I was traveling to Chapel Hill. I spent:

  • Fuel: $47
  • Parking: $8 (I parked at work on Friday so I could quickly get on the road)
  • Lodging: $0 (I stayed with Louise!)
  • Friday night food: $15
  • Saturday morning breakfast: $13
  • Celebratory drinks and apps: $18
  • Saturday dinner: $13
  • Sunday brunch: $16

Total travel-related costs were $130. I estimated that my travel costs would be somewhere around $175, so I came in under my estimate for travel as well! Also, can we take a moment to note how CHEAP food at restaurants is in Chapel Hill? No wonder I spent so little in grad school.

Total Costs

Overall, I thought I would spend somewhere between $335 and$395 to do the Tar Heel 10 Miler. I came in wayyy under estimate at $174 for the weekend and race-related expenses. Not too shabby!

What do you think? Isn’t Chapel Hill beautiful?

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