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Budgeting, Life, Money

Married Life: Rethinking Your Budget After Combining Finances

As I mentioned in my last post, I got married a couple of months ago! What a whirlwind that was! I’ll be posting about our budget and spending for the wedding in a little bit, but I wanted to talk a little bit about how our finances (and financial tracking) have changed since we tied the knot and decided to jump into combining finances with each other.

Before I continue, I do want to note that every situation is different. What works for us might not work for you and vice versa. Finances, especially when it comes to couples combining finances, are very personal and should be tailored to fit your individual needs.

Before combining finances: Separate accounts and separate budgets

Before we got married, our finances looked a bit like this:

  • Separate Accounts – We maintained completely separate bank accounts. We discussed how much we each had, but we never comingled funds.
  • Shared Expenses Split 50/50 – Anything that was a shared expense was split 50/50. There are a bunch of ways you can slice and dice money when you live with a significant other. We don’t have similar incomes, but we also don’t have similar debt levels. Richard earns less but has zero debt. I earn more, but still have my student loans. It worked out pretty well for us to split our shared expenses mostly 50/50 and the “extra” money I earned (when compared to Richard’s income) went to my student loans.
  • Separate Tracking – We both maintained separate Mint accounts. I would go back every month and make sure that my spending categories were displaying correctly. Since Richard would pay for some things and I would pay for some things, this was a way for me to accurately show how my spending was happening across categories.
  • Separate Goals – As I’ve talked about at length on this blog, I’ve had a goal to pay off my student loans by the time I turn 30. Achieving that goal probably isn’t going to happen, considering I have only 2 months left and $27,000 to go. In addition to that goal, I’ve also set savings percentage goals for myself as well as goals around my emergency fund. Before we married, Richard’s goals were less rigorous and defined.

After combining finances: Still mostly separate accounts, but combined budget

We could have made some changes to our personal budgets and accounts prior to getting married. We know plenty of people choose to combine their finances are different points in their relationship – when they move in, when they get engaged, when they get married or never!

We kept things separate until we got married for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I’ve been working towards my big bag student loan goal for a while. Secondly, lack of need. Honestly, we didn’t really see any reason to do it. We decided to combine our finances when we got married because we knew we would be receiving monetary gifts from people and wanted to put those deposits in a shared account and because it would hopefully make things easier from a moving perspective. We’re still not sure what my job situation will be when we move, so we wanted to prepare ourselves to be a one income household.

Here’s how we have things set up now:

  • Mostly separate accounts with a few joint accounts – We opened two joint accounts – savings and checking. We are still working to figure out how we’ll use the joint accounts, since we aren’t planning to get rid of our separate accounts, but for now we’re able to put joint money into them.
  • Shared tracking – I track all of my spending in Mint. I’ve imported all of Richard’s accounts into Mint so I can get a complete sense of our spending as a unit.
  • Shared expenses – Related to the shared tracking, we no longer do our 50/50 split expenses because everything is showing up in Mint. This has been nice, because doing the calculations for our split expenses and then adjusting the categories in Mint did take a bit of time each month.
  • Shared goals – We still need to formalize this one a bit more, but now that we’re treating everything as ours, we have shared financial goals. Priority number one for both of us is still to pay off my loans. The rest is a little up in the air depending on how much job situation turns out and how quickly I can start working when we arrive in Hamburg.

A shift in mindset

For me, the biggest thing about combining finances has been trying to shift my thinking around the cost of things. When we were doing split expenses, I was definitely thinking in terms of what I had to pay for a certain thing. So if a piece of furniture was $100, I would mentally calculate the cost at $50, since that’s ultimately what was coming out of my pocket.

Now, it’s a little different. The $100 is coming out of our pocket, which probably doesn’t sound all that different, but it feels different to me. It’s almost like the cost of everything has doubled overnight! It hasn’t though, so I’m hoping that viewing things from the lens of their entire price will help curb some of our random spending on things.

A liminal state

One of the things that is weird about our first few months of marriage is that we’re actually preparing for a huge move to another country. We’re also dealing with a terminally ill pet. And we’re also trying to take care of some of our own health items before we leave. This means that our spending is not at what I would consider normal levels.

We’ve been spending a ton on pets and healthcare, and will be spending a ton on moving items in the next month or two. We’re also facing the possibility of me being without a job for a month or two. I’ll probably provide an update on this after we get to Germany, because we’ll undoubtedly have some changes as a result of switching currencies and moving to a more cash-based country.

What do you and your significant other do?

October Monthly Budget
Budgeting, Money

Monthly Budget: October 2015

Long time no see on the budget front! I took a bit of a break from the budget breakdowns, since I was traveling in September, but I’m ready to get back at it!

Looking Back: August & September Monthly Budgets

August and September seem so far away. I was on vacation for 2 weeks in early September and then went away for work for a week in September.

The Budget Good

  • Groceries: In both August and September, I did well with groceries. Part of this is due to increased attention towards my grocery spending, but part of it is due to the fact that I was on vacation for two of the four weeks in September.

The Budget Bad

  • Clothing: I purchased a number of items to get ready for my trip in August. This included a rain jacket, bathing suit, and cover up. As such, as usual, I went over my clothing budget.

August & September’s Net Income

Since I’m pretty vague about what my actual income is (on purpose), I decided to add another piece of information to give you a sense for how my spending mapped to my income for the month: net income. You can usually tell how well or poor a month went by how much you spent vs. how much you brought in. In August, my net income was $733. In September, my net income was $4,374. This large net income amount for September is due in part to receiving my bonus. This means that I was in the green two months in a row!

My October Monthly Budget

Now that I’m back from vacation, it’s time to get back to a normal budget.

Rent: $1075 (my portion of rent – not split exactly 50/50 but almost 50/50)

Utilities & Non-Discretionary

  • Natural Gas (my portion): $25
  • Electric (my portion): $55
  • Internet (my portion): $28
  • Cell Phone (my portion): $56
  • Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: $108

Car & Transport

  • Expected Car Expenses: $70 (deposited into a savings account for car insurance and repairs when needed)
  • Metro: $80 (taken directly out of my paycheck and applied to my Metro card)


  • Groceries (my portion): $350
  • Restaurants (my portion): $200
  • Work Lunch: $40


Each month, I pay a total of $775 to minimum loan payments. Not that I’m counting or anything, but this expense is second only to rent in my monthly budget.

  • Student Loans Minimum: $565
  • Car Loan: $215

Shopping & Miscellaneous

Pets, clothes and home supplies all come up at infrequent intervals, so I set aside an amount each month to contribute and if I don’t spend it, it rolls over to the next month. Everything else is everything that doesn’t fit into a neat budget. I’ve increased my everything else budget to account for some one-off expenses.

  • Pets (my portion – rolls over monthly): $60 (plus $19 from rollover)
  • Clothes (rolls over monthly): $200 (rollover reset to $0, again)
  • Home Supplies (my portion – rolls over monthly): $3 (due to being $17 over last month and only budgeting $20 per month)
  • Everything else: $400

Total Expenses: $2,455 (minus savings and extra student loans)

And don’t forget…

Savings & Extra Student Loan Payments: I generally contribute 25% of take home pay. All of the money that goes to savings and extra student loans is split up in a 30:70 ratio with 30% going to savings and 70% going to student loans. I now have a fully-funded 3-month emergency fund, so I’m holding off on trying to boost that higher while I pay off the rest of my student loans. I have increased my short-term savings to give myself a little more wiggle room and to establish a dedicated vacation fund.

Retirement Contributions: I contribute 6% to my employer-sponsored 401(k) each pay period.

Notes About My Monthly Budget

“My Portion”: You’ll notice that there are a few “my portion” indicators next to my monthly budget line items. This means that it’s an expense that Richard and I split. For 99% of the things we split, we split right down the middle.

Rolls Over Monthly: This year, I’ve been trying to become more purposeful in how I budget and allocate my money. In some categories, my expenses are sporadic. Two examples of this are pets and clothing. We are proud parents to two senior pets – as a result, we’ve decided to set aside some money every month to cover those inevitable vet costs. For clothing, I prefer to do big shopping trips a few times a year rather than shopping in smaller spurts more frequently. By rolling over my budget each month, I make sure I’m accounting for the inevitable expense.

October Challenges

I’m hoping that August will be the calm before the storm that is my Wild West trip in September. That in and of itself will be a challenge.

  • Pets: Zeke is due for this 6-month well-cat visit. Stella needs more flea and heartworm medication. I have a feeling the pet costs are going to be high this month!
  • Clothing: I’m in the market for a new pair of leather boots and a nice fall jacket. Not sure if I’ll find the right ones, but they’ll likely be expensive.

How did you do sticking to your budget in last month? What are you budgeting for this month?

Monthly Budget August
Budgeting, Money

Monthly Budget: August 2015

The year keeps going! It won’t stop! It’s time for another budget update.

Looking Back: July Monthly Budget

We aren’t that far into August and I already feel like I’ve forgotten what happened in July!  I did better in July than I did in June from a spending perspective, but I still ended the month with a negative net income. August is my month to get back on track, as I will be going on vacation for a week and a half in September.

The July Budget Good

  • Work Lunch: I was a dollar over my work lunch budget ($40 for the month), so I’m pretty happy with how well I’ve been estimating and spending in that category.
  • Home Supplies: Similar to my work lunch budget, I went over only by a couple of dollars. I think $20 per month has been a good estimate/reflection of my spending habits in this category. Now if only all categories could be estimated so well!

The July Budget Bad

  • Restaurants: My restaurant spending was a bit out of control in July. I spent $400 when I budgeted for $200! This is probably due to a couple of factors: 4th of July festivities and a couple of evenings out after work. I’m going to try to be more mindful this month, in preparation for my trip in September.
  • Everything Else: The one-off expenses added up in July. I signed up for a half marathon in September and have not yet received the 50% reimbursement from my work’s health subsidy. I also paid some deposits for my upcoming trip. Finally, I had a number of hair/makeup expenses as I was running low on shampoo and some makeup items.

July’s Net Income

Since I’m pretty vague about what my actual income is (on purpose), I decided to add another piece of information to give you a sense for how my spending mapped to my income for the month: net income. You can usually tell how well or poor a month went by how much you spent vs. how much you brought in. In July, my net income was -$625. This means that I spent more than I earned last month. This was a great improvement over June, but I’d still like to see it in the green for the next couple of months. Two items to note: The money that one of my friends owes me for her share of our trip and the reimbursement for my fitness subsidy aren’t accounted for in this number.

My August Monthly Budget

Now that I know how July went, I know how I can improve this month.

Rent: $1075 (my portion of rent – not split exactly 50/50 but almost 50/50)

Utilities & Non-Discretionary

  • Gas (my portion): $25
  • Electric (my portion): $50 – Bumping this up by $10 due to it being summer.
  • Internet (my portion): $28
  • Cell Phone (my portion): $56
  • Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: $108

Car & Transport

From now on, I’m removing fuel from my budget. Since Richard is now driving to work as opposed to working from home, he is driving more than me. Since our shared fuel costs are typically low, we decided he will cover all fuel.

  • Car Insurance (rolls over monthly): $66 (plus $198 from rollover)
  • Metro: $80 (taken directly out of my paycheck and applied to my Metro card)


  • Groceries (my portion): $350 – Moving this back to $350. Seeing if I can get it closer to $300 though.
  • Restaurants (my portion): $200
  • Work Lunch: $40


Each month, I pay a total of $775 to minimum loan payments. Not that I’m counting or anything, but this expense is second only to rent in my monthly budget.

  • Student Loans Minimum: $565
  • Car Loan: $215

Shopping & Miscellaneous

Pets, clothes and home supplies all come up at infrequent intervals, so I set aside an amount each month to contribute and if I don’t spend it, it rolls over to the next month. Everything else is everything that doesn’t fit into a neat budget. I’ve increased my everything else budget to account for some one-off expenses.

  • Pets (my portion – rolls over monthly): $60 (rollover set to $0) – I’m setting the rollover to $0, because keeping track of the vet expenses from April & May wasn’t really helping me keep track of my current spending.
  • Clothes (rolls over monthly): $200 (rollover reset to $0) – Bumping this up again due to the fact that I keep going over and I was beginning to realize that $100 doesn’t get you very far when you need to account for shoes AND clothes.
  • Home Supplies (my portion – rolls over monthly): $20 (plus $2 rollover from last month)
  • Everything else: $400

Total Expenses: $3,538 (minus savings and extra student loans)

And don’t forget…

Savings & Extra Student Loan Payments: I generally contribute 25% of take home pay. All of the money that goes to savings and extra student loans is split up in a 30:70 ratio with 30% going to savings and 70% going to student loans. Some of my savings is short-term – I save for the irregular one-off expenses that I know will come up throughout the year. I put the majority of my savings into my long-term emergency fund though.

Retirement Contributions: I contribute 6% to my employer-sponsored 401(k) each pay period.

Notes About My Monthly Budget

“My Portion”: You’ll notice that there are a few “my portion” indicators next to my monthly budget line items. This means that it’s an expense that Richard and I split. For 99% of the things we split, we split right down the middle.

Rolls Over Monthly: This year, I’ve been trying to become more purposeful in how I budget and allocate my money. In some categories, my expenses are sporadic. Two examples of this are pets and clothing. We are proud parents to two senior pets – as a result, we’ve decided to set aside some money every month to cover those inevitable vet costs. For clothing, I prefer to do big shopping trips a few times a year rather than shopping in smaller spurts more frequently. By rolling over my budget each month, I make sure I’m accounting for the inevitable expense.

August Challenges

I’m hoping that August will be the calm before the storm that is my Wild West trip in September. That in and of itself will be a challenge.

  • Travel/Trip Prep: We should not have any additional accommodation expenses prior to leaving, but I have purchased a couple of items that I will need when we are on our trip (e.g. backpack, rain jacket).
  • Food: I need to get a handle on food spending (still).

How did you do sticking to your budget in July? What are you budgeting for in August?


Deconstructing the Grocery Budget
Budgeting, Food, Money

Deconstructing the Grocery Budget

If you’ve paid any attention at all to my monthly budget updates, you’ll know that I plan to spend $350 per month on food costs for me only. Since Richard and I split food costs, this means we are budgeting for $700 in food for both of us per month. Clearly, this isn’t a small sum of money. Lately, I’ve been thinking that there is likely a way for us to work to decrease spending in this category. I’ve also been thinking that the number that I’ve put together is pretty arbitrary.

Grocery Desires

Before I get to the numbers, I wanted to articulate what is important to us when we go to the grocery store. I often see people online claiming they spend like $400 for a family of four per month on groceries. As someone who spends wayyy more than that for a household of 2, that seems pretty extreme. It also makes me question: What are you buying? What kind of food are you even making?

The quality of what we are eating is pretty important to both of us, so if $200 is getting us a lot of processed items per month, I’d rather continue paying the $700. So, what is important to us?

  • Minimally processed foods
  • High protein, low carb diet
  • Minimal added sugars
  • No artificial sweeteners (ever!)
  • High quality coffee
  • Quick and easy recipes that can be cooked in double batches
  • Some organic items, but not really a necessity

It actually seems like a pretty simple list, but I know it’s harder to translate these wants into a lower grocery budget.


Each week, we purchase a number of staples that aren’t necessarily incorporated into specific recipes. A typical week (and costs) for our staples includes:

  • 3 half gallons of almond milk – $8.97
  • 3 packages of dry Roasted Edamame seeds – $5.37
  • Wheat fajitas – $2.79
  • Peanut butter – $5 (every few weeks)
  • 1 to 2 packages of crunchy snacks (e.g. roasted chickpeas, lentil chips) – up to $10
  • 8 oz of coffee – about $10 per week

So, each week, we are spending about $40 on staples. Assuming 4 weeks are in a month, we spend $160 on staples. We already get the store brand for almond milk and don’t always get crunchy snacks. The one area I know we can cut back on is coffee. The only problem is that we really enjoy good coffee and haven’t quite found a good place to get whole beans at a reasonable price. The one good thing we have to look forward to is the fact that Richard recently started a new job and isn’t drinking as much coffee at home, which will help reduce our coffee drinking.

Meals Needed

We strive to eat most of our meals at home and try to eat out only one night a week (although, depending on what is happening, it sometimes turns into two nights per week). Now that I’m thinking of trying to really tune our budget and make sure our budget is actually grounded in reality, I figured I would start by figuring out how many meals we need to make from our groceries per month.

Okay, so to break it down, this is the number of meals I need to account for each month:

  • Breakfast: 7 days x 2 people x 4 weeks = 56 meals
  • Lunch: 5 days x 2 people x 4 weeks = 40 meals
  • Dinner: 6 days x 2 people x 4 weeks = 48 meals

For lunches, I assumed that we need to account for 5 lunches per week to account for each of us having the option to buy lunch an average of once per week and having a weekend lunch out. If we eat all breakfasts at home and have dinner out once per week, we need a total of 144 meals per month.

Costs Per Meal

Now that we know how many meals we need and what our staple costs are, we can figure out what our cost per meal should be. Once I know what our per meal costs should be, I can start to figure out two things: a) what our budget should be and b) which recipes will help stay within budget.

Even Cost Per Meal

Our currently budget is $700 per month. Our staples cost around $150 per month. If we assume that the rest of the budget is going to meal costs and all of those meals will cost the same, we should aim to make recipes that cost less than $3.81 per serving.

To give an ideal of how the cost per serving might be affected by different budgets:

  • $700 – $160 = $540 or $3.75 per serving
  • $600 – $160 = $440 or $3.05 per serving
  • $500 – $160 = $340 or $2.36 per serving
  • $400 – $160 = $240 or $1.66 per serving

Right now, I’m a little skeptical of the $500 and $400 per month budgets. Trying to stay under $2.50 per serving seems a little unrealistic for all meals considering we do eat meat and value high quality ingredients. But hey, this is still in thought experiment and I might find myself surprised by the number of recipes that I find that meet our grocery needs/desires list.

Breakfasts Cost Less

Another approach we could take is assuming that breakfast costs will be less than lunch and dinner costs. This seems like a reasonable way to plan things, since our breakfasts tend to be hearty but lighter than our lunches and dinners. In general, breakfast ingredients also tend to cost less. Lunch and dinner will always have the same per serving cost, because we do not make special lunches. We simply bring leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day.

If we assume that average breakfast costs will not exceed $2.50 per serving on average, we can figure out what our costs can be for our other meals. If we have 56 breakfasts that cost us $2.49 each on average, that will cost a total of $140 per month. Let’s see how that affects the dinner and lunch per serving costs:

  • $700 = $160 staples +$140 breakfasts (56) + $400 (88 meals); $4.54 per lunch/dinner serving
  • $600 =$160 staples + $140 breakfasts (56) + $300 (88 meals); $3.40 per lunch/dinner serving
  • $500 =$160 staples + $140 breakfasts (56) + $200 (88 meals); $2.27 per lunch/dinner serving
  • $400 =$160 staples + $140 breakfasts (56) + $100 (88 meals); $1.13 per lunch/dinner serving

Comparing the two sets of estimates, if we get breakfast down to $2.50 on average, we are given a little more leeway for lunch and dinner when we spend either $700 or $600 total on groceries. However, if we are spending $500 or $400 on groceries, we would actually be spending less on lunches and dinners than we are on breakfasts per serving.

Redefining the Grocery Budget

Now that I have a better idea of what different budgets can get me, it’s time to go out and find some recipes that will help us actually get us there. The most opportunity that I currently see for reducing our grocery budget is in the lunch/dinner category and potentially the breakfast category. I think regardless of where we end up, figuring out the per serving costs of our recipes will be a good gut check for whether or not we should decide to make it and whether or not it aligns with our goal to try to reduce our grocery spending (or at least make it more predictable).

How much do you spend per month on groceries? What do you do to reign in spending?

July Monthly Budget
Budgeting, Money

Monthly Budget: July

The year keeps going! It won’t stop! It’s time for another budget update.

Looking Back: June Monthly Budget

June was an interesting month, because a number of things went on: I had two of my wisdom teeth removed, Richard ended his old job and started a new one, and we went to Phildelphia for the weekend. This meant that there were a number of one-off expenses and I ended up needing to pull from my short-term savings (which is why I have short-term savings in the first place).

The June Budget Good

  • Not a lot! To be honest, there wasn’t a lot of good going on with my budget last month. That said, I did stay under my work lunch budget, which is a good thing!

The June Budget Bad

  • Groceries & Restaurants: I rolled off of a good food month into a pretty terrible food month. I went over both groceries and restaurants. A brunch day out with friends and going to Philadelphia seemed to be the culprits for the restaurant part of it. Groceries… I don’t even know. I’m going to try to start really reining that budget in, as you’ll see in a number of upcoming posts.
  • Clothing: Last month, I said I wouldn’t shop until August, but my lack of summer work clothes makes that difficult to accomplish. I also needed to get a new pair of sandals after my trusty pair of Rainbows bit the dust last year. I look forward to not having to buy another pair of sandals for at least another 5 years! As you’ll see below, I’m planning to up my clothing budget and forgive my clothing budget rollover debt, since I haven’t been realistically budgeting.

June’s Net Income

Since I’m pretty vague about what my actual income is (on purpose), I decided to add another piece of information to give you a sense for how my spending mapped to my income for the month: net income. You can usually tell how well or poor a month went by how much you spent vs. how much you brought in. In June, my net income was -$1,106. This means that I spent more than a earned this month, as I already alluded to with having to dip into my short-term savings. Please note that I count saving to my emergency fund as an expense, which helps me mentally treat that money as money that has already been spent and thus not available for use unless in an emergency situation.

My July Monthly Budget

Now that I know how June went (and we’re halfway through July), I know how I can improve this month.

Rent: $1075 (my portion of rent – not split exactly 50/50 but almost 50/50)

Utilities & Non-Discretionary

  • Gas (my portion): $25
  • Electric (my portion): $50 – Bumping this up by $10 due to it being summer.
  • Internet (my portion): $28
  • Cell Phone (my portion): $67 – This will be bumping down to $55 after this first joint billing cycle.
  • Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: $108

Car & Transport

  • Car Insurance (rolls over monthly): $66 (plus $132 from rollover)
  • Fuel (my portion – rolls over monthly): $10 (plus $37 from rollover) – Bumping this down from $20 to $10, since we haven’t been driving that much recently.
  • Metro: $80 (taken directly out of my paycheck and applied to my Metro card)


  • Groceries (my portion): $300 – Bumping this down by $50 as a challenge to reduce our grocery budget this month.
  • Restaurants (my portion): $200
  • Work Lunch: $40


Each month, I pay a total of $775 to minimum loan payments. Not that I’m counting or anything, but this expense is second only to rent in my monthly budget.

  • Student Loans Minimum: $565
  • Car Loan: $215

Shopping & Miscellaneous

Pets, clothes and home supplies all come up at infrequent intervals, so I set aside an amount each month to contribute and if I don’t spend it, it rolls over to the next month. Everything else is everything that doesn’t fit into a neat budget. I’ve increased my everything else budget to account for some one-off expenses.

  • Pets (my portion – rolls over monthly): $0, but regularly $60 (pet budget balance is currently at -$380 due to overages from April & May)
  • Clothes (rolls over monthly): $150 (rollover reset to $0) – Bumping this up due to the fact that I keep going over and I was beginning to realize that $100 doesn’t get you very far when you need to account for shoes AND clothes.
  • Home Supplies (my portion – rolls over monthly): $20 (plus $2 rollover from last month)
  • Everything else: $350

Total Expenses: $3,264 (minus savings and extra student loans)

And don’t forget…

Savings & Extra Student Loan Payments: I generally contribute 25% of take home pay. All of the money that goes to savings and extra student loans is split up in a 30:70 ratio with 30% going to savings and 70% going to student loans. Some of my savings is short-term – I save for the irregular one-off expenses that I know will come up throughout the year. I put the majority of my savings into my long-term emergency fund though.

Retirement Contributions: I contribute 6% to my employer-sponsored 401(k) each pay period.

Notes About My Monthly Budget

“My Portion”: You’ll notice that there are a few “my portion” indicators next to my monthly budget line items. This means that it’s an expense that Richard and I split. For 99% of the things we split, we split right down the middle.

Rolls Over Monthly: This year, I’ve been trying to become more purposeful in how I budget and allocate my money. In some categories, my expenses are sporadic. Two examples of this are pets and clothing. We are proud parents to two senior pets – as a result, we’ve decided to set aside some money every month to cover those inevitable vet costs. For clothing, I prefer to do big shopping trips a few times a year rather than shopping in smaller spurts more frequently. By rolling over my budget each month, I make sure I’m accounting for the inevitable expense.

July Challenges

July is already half over and I know there are going to be a number of challenges coming up:

  • Travel: I have started to book my travel for my Wild West trip in September and some deposits are due already.
  • Food: I need to get a handle on food spending.
  • Shopping: Again, clothing is a thorn in my side right now.

How did you do sticking to your budget in June? What are you budgeting for in July?


June monthly budget
Budgeting, Money

Monthly Budget: June

The year keeps going! It won’t stop! It’s time for another budget update.

Looking Back: May Monthly Budget

May was a fun month because it was a three paycheck month! That means I was able to put more towards my student loans than usual. It was also fun because I went to Denver not once, but twice for work!

The May Budget Good

  • Phone: Richard and I decided to go on a family plan for our cell phones. This didn’t hit the May budget, but I should be seeing a lower cell phone bill in the months to come.
  • Groceries & Restaurants: This was a weird grocery month for us. We had friends visit the second week of May so we went out to eat a number of times with them. Then I was traveling for work two weeks and Richard traveled for work one week. This resulted in my share of the groceries only costing $77 of my budgeted $350. Of course the flip side of this is that my restaurant spending was much higher than I budgeted for. I spent $274 (excluding my food purchases during my work travel) on restaurants. So my combined food budget was $550 and I only spent $351. Win!
  • Dentist: I had to postpone my two dentist appointments due to traveling for work. This meant that I pushed off those expenses until June.
  • Student Loans & Savings: With my extra paycheck, I was able to throw a big chunk at my loans and at my savings account.

The May Budget Bad

  • Clothing: I made three trips to the store for clothes this month. It added up! I ended up spending $388 on clothing. I purchased a few outfits that I will be able to wear at work and some warm weather workout gear. I had $108 in rollover plus my $100 for May, so I really only exceeded my budget by $180. Since I’m on the rollover budget plan, I plan to keep my clothing purchases minimal until August. Unfortunately, I still feel like my wardrobe is playing catch-up after spending so much time working from home. I feel like I stocked up in the fall on items that are good to wear to work for fall and winter but now that we’re transitioning seasons I’m back to not a lot to wear. I’m trying to be smart about it, but it’s crazy the amount that is needed to put together a good wardrobe!

May’s Net Income

Since I’m pretty vague about what my actual income is (on purpose), I decided to add another piece of information to give you a sense for how my spending mapped to my income for the month: net income. You can usually tell how well or poor a month went by how much you spent vs. how much you brought in. In May, my net income was $1,439. 

Two items of note: some of my student loan and savings payments are actually being tracked as happening in June due to being paid on the last day of the month. I also count my savings as spending for the purposes of tracking in Mint, because that helps me with my budgeting.

My June Monthly Budget

Now that I know how May went, I can look ahead to June and hopefully improve. I’m pretty pumped that the good outweighed the bad last month.

Rent: $1075 (my portion of rent – not split exactly 50/50 but almost 50/50)

Utilities & Non-Discretionary

  • Gas (my portion): $25
  • Electric (my portion): $40
  • Internet (my portion): $28
  • Cell Phone: $50 (my portion – estimated, since we haven’t received our first joint cell phone bill yet)
  • Dentist: $350 (wisdom teeth removal and fillings)
  • Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance: $108

Car & Transport

  • Car Insurance (rolls over monthly): $66 (plus $66 from rollover)
  • Fuel (my portion – rolls over monthly): $20 (plus $43 from rollover)
  • Metro: $80 (taken directly out of my paycheck and applied to my Metro card)


  • Groceries (my portion): $350
  • Restaurants (my portion): $200
  • Work Lunch: $40


Each month, I pay a total of $775 to minimum loan payments. Not that I’m counting or anything, but this expense is second only to rent in my monthly budget.

  • Student Loans Minimum: $565
  • Car Loan: $215

Shopping & Miscellaneous

Pets, clothes and home supplies all come up at infrequent intervals, so I set aside an amount each month to contribute and if I don’t spend it, it rolls over to the next month. Everything else is everything that doesn’t fit into a neat budget. I’ve increased my everything else budget to account for some one-off expenses.

  • Pets (my portion – rolls over monthly): $0 (pet budget balance is currently at -$309 due to overages from April & May)
  • Clothes (rolls over monthly): $0 (clothing budget balance is currently at -$180)
  • Home Supplies (my portion – rolls over monthly): $2 (we exceeded our $20 per month home supplies budget by $18 in May)
  • Everything else: $350

Total Expenses: $3,564 (minus savings and extra student loans)

And don’t forget…

Savings & Extra Student Loan Payments: I generally contribute 25% of take home pay. All of the money that goes to savings and extra student loans is split up in a 30:70 ratio with 30% going to savings and 70% going to student loans. Some of my savings is short-term – I save for the irregular one-off expenses that I know will come up throughout the year. I put the majority of my savings into my long-term emergency fund though.

Retirement Contributions: I contribute 6% to my employer-sponsored 401(k) each pay period.

Notes About My Monthly Budget

“My Portion”: You’ll notice that there are a few “my portion” indicators next to my monthly budget line items. This means that it’s an expense that Richard and I split. For 99% of the things we split, we split right down the middle.

Rolls Over Monthly: This year, I’ve been trying to become more purposeful in how I budget and allocate my money. In some categories, my expenses are sporadic. Two examples of this are pets and clothing. We are proud parents to two senior pets – as a result, we’ve decided to set aside some money every month to cover those inevitable vet costs. For clothing, I prefer to do big shopping trips a few times a year rather than shopping in smaller spurts more frequently. By rolling over my budget each month, I make sure I’m accounting for the inevitable expense.

June Challenges

May was not as expensive as April, thankfully. In June, I have a couple of things that I think will pose challenges:

  • Rollover Spending: In April and May, we exceeded a number of our “rolls over monthly” categories. As a result, spending in these categories will be low (we needed to stock up on pet food this month) or nonexistent (no more clothing until August). This might prove to be trickier than expected.

How did you do sticking to your budget in May? What are you budgeting for in June?


March 2015 Monthly Budget
Budgeting, Money

Monthly Budget: March 2015

I’m back! I’m really really back! You know how I know I’m really really back? I’m doing a monthly review post. This time around, I want to switch it up and share my monthly budget. My old monthly posts used to focus on my goals and what I was up to the previous month.

I figured now that I’m back at it, I wanted to switch it up a little and give a bit more insight into how I practice (or try to practice) what I preach: finding a way to live a fun life that also helps me achieve my financial goals. So, I figured there is no better way to do that than to share my monthly budget.

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