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Lots of Boxes Are Involved When Combining Two Households
Life, Moving

Combining Two Households Isn’t Easy & How to Make It Easier

As I suggested in my last post, my life has been consumed with moving. Before the actual move, I was busy with packing and cleaning my apartment. After the move, little did I know it, but the fun was only about to begin. And by fun, I mean a lot of organizing, cleaning and unpacking was about to begin.

It’s been almost 3 weeks since the move. Despite the lapse of 3 weeks and our tireless unpacking, we only started to see the floor to the living room this past weekend. While that’s a huge win, there’s still a lot that needs to be done. While there is much work before us, we have made efforts to make the process smother. Below are four ways that we’ve been trying to make combining two households easier.

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Be Back Soon Sign
Life, Moving

Moving Week: Be Back Soon!

It’s moving week, people!

As you may remember, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago in my June review that I’m going to be removing the “long distance” from my long distance relationship. Well, this week is the week!

Between packing, saying goodbye-for-nows, cleaning and work, I’ve had and am going to have a hectic schedule as I make the move and get settled into this whole cohabitation thing. As I figure all this out, I’m going to be a little M.I.A. as I get things into order and settled in.

Fear not! I will be back with exciting new posts soon.

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Alternatives to Renting a Moving Truck
Life, Moving

Alternatives to Renting a Moving Truck

If you have ever moved (and chances are that you have!), you’ve known the struggles and complications that can be involved in getting your stuff from Point A to Point B. Moving in-town can be difficult in and of itself, but moving across the state, to a different state or across the country can be an even bigger undertaking.

While I’ve been in Hoboken for well over a year now, the year I spent before moving here was spent in three different locations. In one calendar year, I moved three times. And these weren’t local moves. They were big, honkin’ cross-country moves.

If you’ve ever moved cross-country, you know how expensive things can become. Coming right out of grad school (and grad school wages), I was highly motivated to find the cheapest option available to me and this meant coming up with some creative ways to get my things from here to there. For each of my moves, I decided that a moving truck wasn’t for me, so I set out on a question to find formidable alternatives to renting a moving truck. After a lot of brainstorming and Internet searching, I found the following to be decent, potentially lower cost options (depending on your situation).

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