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flux list

Reasons to Start a Life List

5 Reasons You Should Have a Life List, Bucket List, or Flux List

Life lists are all the rage these days. Or so it seems. If you visit other lifestyle blogs, it’s likely that you have seen some life lists floating around.

Obviously, I’ve always known what a bucket list, or life list, is, but it wasn’t until I found them on Sean Ogle’s Bucket List, Joel Runyon’s Impossible List and Steve Lamb’s Epic Quest blogs that I started to think that I should come up with my own.

The result of that was the Flux List. As each of the above examples do, I have a unique bend to my flux list. It’s a changing list. I may want to include one thing on it now, but I may change my mind later. It’s flexible and I want it to reflect at any given time what my priorities are and what I want to do with my life. However, the most important part of my flux list is that it motivates me to continually strive towards the life that I want to live: one where I make purposeful decisions, work with the constraints that life gives me, and make things happen.

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10 Goals for 2013

Yesterday, I focused on what did and did not go well in 2012. Overall, I have to say that it was a good year. Now, it’s time to look forward to 2013, and specifically goals for 2013. There are only a few more hours to pull out my dancing shoes and hit up the dance floor with my smooth (or not so smooth moves). I plan to dance and drink and eat the night away with my friends to ring in the new year… before I go into full party mode, I want to focus on the year ahead.

Last year, I came up with 12 personal goals for 2012. This year, I was debating coming up with 13 goals, but finding myself stuck at 10, I decided to keep it a bit more concise. Here is what I have in store for 2013 … in no particular order.

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Image of La Jolla cove in California after sunset
Career, Travel

Upcoming Travel Preview: Philadelphia Bar Party and Tour de West Coast

The next week is going to be quite a doozy, dear readers.

As life may have it, I’m going to be hitting 6 states in the next week and a half (counting NY and NJ, which I hit every day anyways).

My travels begin with a stint in Philadelphia, where I’m meeting up with friends to celebrate one of my friends passing the bar last week. As most of our reunions go, it should be quite fun and, as usual, packed with surprises.

After we have celebrated to our hearts’ content, I’ll make my way back to NJ for the night in order to rest up for the part of my travels that I’m perhaps most excited about: Tour de West Coast.

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New York City Skyline in Fog from Hoboken

The Flux List: 80 Things to Accomplish Throughout Life

I took the above photo while on a morning run earlier this summer. It’s a view of the New York City skyline from Hoboken, NJ. Whenever I run along the river and look over at the city, I can’t help but feel alive. New York gives me this energy. It’s a city so full of action, adventure, and surprise. No, it’s not perfect. But it does not fail to keep you on your toes. Running along the river makes me feel alive, but it also gives me time to reflect on those things that I want to accomplish in life.

For the past year or so, I’ve been collecting and recording moments and accomplishments that I’d like to experience or achieve at some point throughout my life. I’ve been developing the Flux List. You could call it a bucket list, but I like to think of it as a living, breathing record of what I want to do throughout my life. As I grow and learn and assess my priorities, some things may be added.  Some may be removed. The Flux List represents my personal zeitgeist. It represents what I want to do in life and what is important to me. Some will be easier to achieve, some will not. Some will be crossed off the list years and years in the future. Some might be crossed off next week.

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