Money, money, money! Tied together by my goal to pay off a substantial amount of student loans by my 30th birthday, my posts about money center around my quest to live frugally, pay off debt and minimize sacrificing fun or living comfortably. Of course, I share the lessons that I learn along the way, so that you can achieve your financial goals, whatever they may be.
Strategies for Frugal Living
- Frugal Living in an Expensive City
- Celebrating Valentine’s Day on a Budget
- 3 Strategies to Kick Frugal Living Up a Notch
- Holiday Gift Giving on a Budget
On Student Loans
- 10 Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loans Faster
- 4 Approaches to Solving the Student Loan Debt Problem in the United States
- Why I Contribute Extra to My Student Loans Each Month
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