If you read my previous post, you know that I have a lot of things on my Flux List. I came up with 80 things that I’d like to accomplish at some point in my life. That’s not a terribly long list, but it is quite sizable and many of the items themselves are not exactly small feats. Let’s be honest, checking off every single one of those items will take a sizable amount of time and money. It’s exciting to think about crossing items off my list, but it’s quite daunting at the same time.
So how do you get started when you set out to cross off the items on your bucket list or flux list? Well, my approach is hustlin’.
I have a day job that helps me accomplish many of my career goals. However, there are so many goals that I don’t get to work towards in the X number of hours I’m at work each week. Each day, I carve out time outside of work to dedicate to my other goals. I’m up early nearly every morning to either run or work on side projects.
How can one hustle to achieve their goals? Here are some of the strategies that I’ve put in place to aid in my hustlin’.
1. Reducing distractions.
For better or for worse, I live by myself. It means higher rent. It means no roommate to eat my food (although I’ve never actually had to deal with a situation like that). But it also means it’s pretty quiet. I do enjoy time by myself, but it does get lonely at times. The plus side is that I have fewer distractions. Staying busy with few distractions helps me get things done and helps make it seem less lonely.
2. Avoiding TV comas.
Sometimes after getting home from a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is stay busy. Frankly, I’m exhausted after commuting and working all day. However, sitting on the couch all night with a remote glued to my hand is exhausting in a different way. It makes me feel sluggish. If I can’t possibly stare at a computer screen any longer, I try to find other things to do. Cleaning! Crafts! You name it. This is not to say I’m some superhuman who can fully resist the couch and a nice TV show after work. It happens. And that’s okay. Just get back in the game the next day.
3. Making actionable, time-based goals.
The Flux List isn’t going to happen over night. They’re pretty huge goals. I break them up by creating sub-goals and an overall strategy to get things done. This year, I’ve been experimenting with yearly goals that are broken out into monthly goals. Each month I analyze my overall progress and come up with monthly goals that will help me achieve my yearly goals. This has helped me tremendously in keeping track of my progress. It also makes the larger goals more manageable and way less scary.
4. Making time for social activities.
Life can’t be all work and no play. I hustle during the days and week nights to make sure I get things done, but I’m not so strict about it that I don’t go out and enjoy the occasional happy hour with my friends. You need to be energized in order to work your best. Just last night I put aside my side hustles in favor of a bowling outing with my coworkers.
5. Looking for ways to maximize efficiency or benefit in more than 1 area.
To me, this point is key. I happen to work on side hustle projects that relate to my day job. I do more visual design and web design in my free time than I do for my job. This blog is an example of a way that I use my free time to achieve my goals in several areas. I designed and built this site, which is a project that I will be able to display in my professional portfolio. This blog is also going to help keep me accountable for achieving my goals. I’m being very open about what my goals are, so I’ll feel silly if I fail in achieving or even attempting to achieve them.
6. Getting started.
I think this final point is the hardest, but the most important. Thinking and dreaming is one thing, but actually following through is another. Once you get started hustlin’ it’s way easier to build on that momentum.
So, with that I leave you to get started hustlin’ and getting things done.
What are your strategies for getting things done? Do you hustle?