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Making Money

Tips for selling on Craigslist
Making Money, Money

5 Tips for Selling on Craigslist

It’s springtime! Which means that I’ve been doing a lot of spring cleaning lately. As part of my spring cleaning, I’ve been trying to reduce the amount of clutter around the house. This means selling some of the extra things that I have, but don’t need or want anymore.

What am I doing with all that stuff? I’m selling it on Craigslist, of course!

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Career, Making Money, Money

Know Your Worth: How to Look Up Salary Information

You work hard for your money. So you should be paid what you are worth! Also, you’re fabulous.

While obviously you should be paid what you are worth, you may or may not be currently paid what you should be (let’s also take a moment to remember that equal pay isn’t a “thing” yet). The first step toward making sure you are paid fair compensation is to actually be knowledgable about what average salaries are like for people in your profession with your level of education and experience. To find this out, you need to start looking up salary information.

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Avoid being a hoarder and make money online from spring cleaning!
Making Money, Money

Ways to Make Money Online from Spring Cleaning

Spring is the perfect time to clean. We all know that. As blossoms bloom and we come out of our winter shells, it can be refreshing to clean house. Out with the old! In with the new! While the act of cleaning can be refreshing in and of itself, it can also be refreshing make money online from spring cleaning.

Whether you are a mini-hoarder and a Hoarders marathon has frightened you into cleaning or you are just looking to make a few extra bucks, you will find the following sites useful.

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Equal Pay Day
Career, Making Money, Money

Equal Pay Day: It’s Just the Beginning

Happy Equal Pay Day!

Well, I guess I take that back. It’s not really a day you celebrate. Not sure what Equal Pay Day is? It’s the day that women would have had to work until in the new year to in order to match the pay that men received (on average) in the previous calendar year.

It’s April, right? We’re over a quarter of the way into the year! Yup. On average, women make $.77 for every $1 that men make. It’s a sad, but true, reality.

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