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Figuring Out Where To Start When You Want To Get Things Done

One of my flaws is that I have a tendency to do too many things at once and I consequently overextend myself. This usually results in me becoming stressed, worn out and lacking sleep. And trust me, you don’t want me to not get enough sleep.

On the other end of the spectrum, I sometimes don’t know where to start in getting things done.  That usually results in me being paralyzed and not getting anything done. So many things! Not sure where to start! But I want to do it all! Yup. Counterproductive, at best.

Here are some strategies I’ve been using to stop being scared and start getting things done.

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Career, Life, Money, Travel

Blogs to Follow About Life, Career, Money and Travel

Just about every week around here, I share some good reads from around the Internets. You might have noticed that while I aim for variety, there are a few blogs or resources that I pull from often. These standbys are what I go to for my fix of life, career, money and travel. I figured I would share the wealth and give you the skinny on what I’m reading day after day.

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A view of the Pacific Ocean from the 101
Goals, Life

Yearly Review: What Did & Did Not Go Well in 2012

Hello all! As the number of minutes to 2013 quickly diminish, it’s time for me to take stock of where I’ve been and where I’m going in 2013 and conduct a yearly review. This post is mostly for me, but it’s also something that will have an effect on the goings on of Living in Flux.

I imagine this post will be a doozy, but it’s important stuff! First, I’ll talk about how 2012 went for me: what went well in life, career, money and travel. Then I’ll talk about what didn’t go as well for those areas. I’ll follow-up tomorrow (just in time for midnight) to highlight my goals for 2013.

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Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! I hope this holiday season finds you warm, cozy and food-filled. I know that’s how mine will be. I’ll be back later in the week, but wanted to wish everyone a very merry and happy day, no matter what you celebrate.

Pre-Thanksgiving Feast

The Many Things I’m Thankful For…

Happy Post-Thanksgiving, everyone!

We went out to a restaurant yesterday for our holiday dinner, so there was no turkey on my plate. However, I did enjoy one last week at a friend’s house at a pre-holiday feast.

I’m going to keep it simple. Here’s a list of the things that I’m thankful for:

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10 Tips For Maximizing the 24 Hours In Your Day

Confession: for the past week, I have not been effectively managing my time or finishing everything that I want to get done. In fact, I’m going to be roughly a half hour late posting this post.

This post was originally supposed to be about how I fit everything in that I want to do even though I have a day job. As I sat down to read that post topic in my editorial calendar, I couldn’t help but laugh and feel ashamed. In general, I’m able to get a lot done, but in the past few weeks, I feel like I haven’t been as on top of things as I generally am.

To help motivate myself, and to hopefully motivate you, I’ve put together 10 tips for maximizing the 24 hours in your day.

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Everyday I’m Hustlin’: 6 Ways To Get Things Done

If you read my previous post, you know that I have a lot of things on my Flux List. I came up with 80 things that I’d like to accomplish at some point in my life. That’s not a terribly long list, but it is quite sizable and many of the items themselves are not exactly small feats. Let’s be honest, checking off every single one of those items will take a sizable amount of time and money. It’s exciting to think about crossing items off my list, but it’s quite daunting at the same time.

So how do you get started when you set out to cross off the items on your bucket list or flux list? Well, my approach is hustlin’. 

I have a day job that helps me accomplish many of my career goals. However, there are so many goals that I don’t get to work towards in the X number of hours I’m at work each week. Each day, I carve out time outside of work to dedicate to my other goals. I’m up early nearly every morning to either run or work on side projects.

How can one hustle to achieve their goals? Here are some of the strategies that I’ve put in place to aid in my hustlin’.

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New York City Skyline in Fog from Hoboken

The Flux List: 80 Things to Accomplish Throughout Life

I took the above photo while on a morning run earlier this summer. It’s a view of the New York City skyline from Hoboken, NJ. Whenever I run along the river and look over at the city, I can’t help but feel alive. New York gives me this energy. It’s a city so full of action, adventure, and surprise. No, it’s not perfect. But it does not fail to keep you on your toes. Running along the river makes me feel alive, but it also gives me time to reflect on those things that I want to accomplish in life.

For the past year or so, I’ve been collecting and recording moments and accomplishments that I’d like to experience or achieve at some point throughout my life. I’ve been developing the Flux List. You could call it a bucket list, but I like to think of it as a living, breathing record of what I want to do throughout my life. As I grow and learn and assess my priorities, some things may be added.  Some may be removed. The Flux List represents my personal zeitgeist. It represents what I want to do in life and what is important to me. Some will be easier to achieve, some will not. Some will be crossed off the list years and years in the future. Some might be crossed off next week.

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Image of sign of person running

Wayfinding Through Life

Why hello there!  Welcome to the first post of Living in Flux.

Living in Flux is going to be a blog about life. Or, about approaching life.  We live in crazy times. Life is full of the unexpected. Good things happen. Bad things happen. Life happens. Sometimes, it may seem as if we have no control. Frankly, sometimes life feels as if it is just one fat joke. This blog is about rolling with the punches, going with the flow and making the best of the curveballs that life gives us. It’s about taking an active approach to life. It’s about wayfinding. Looking at the signs and making the best decisions we can to achieve our goals.

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