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It's Okay to Fail to Achieve Goals

Why It’s Okay To Fail To Achieve Goals

If you’ve read this site for any period of time, you know that I like to set goals for myself, both for the year and each month. You’ll also know that I sometimes fail to achieve goals that I set for myself. The F word. Fail. A big no-no. Right?

Wrong. Failing to achieve one’s goals gets a really bad rap. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about achieving our goals: why we should, how we should do it, what it says about us as people. While I believe in the importance of setting and achieving realistic stretch goals, I do think it’s okay to fail to achieve goals that we set for ourselves.

Believing that we’re going to achieve every single goal we set for ourselves only sets us up for failure. Things happen. We can try our hardest and still fail to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. This is why I think it’s important to remember that, sometimes, it’s okay to fail.

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